
How to do add DataFrames to Excel workbook in a for loop?

I have a list of lists (sub-lists) where each sub-list is a set of characters. The list came from a text fie of data with consecutive sample data aligned vertically. Here is a sample:

"Test Method","Generic Stuff.msm"
"Sample I. D.","sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et.mss"
"Specimen Number","1"

"Load (lbf)","Time (s)","Extension (in)"


All samples are separated with a double quotation mark and end with a couple new lines.

Pandas does a great job of allowing me to convert those characters into floats or leave them as strings. So, I decided to put the sublists through a for-loop, adjust where the data actually starts (the same headers exist for each specimen), and try to add each sample to its own SHEET in a single Excel WORKBOOK.

Here is the code:

source_file = r'input.txt'
base = os.path.splitext(source_file)[0]
excel_file = base + ".xlsx"

with open(excel_file, 'w') as fp:
    workbook = openpyxl.Workbook()
    initial_work_sheet =
    initial_work_sheet.title = 'Create WorkBook'
    initial_work_sheet['A1'] = "Do With This Sheet As You Please"

with open(source_file, 'r') as file:
    data ='""')
    data = [i.split('\n') for i in data]
    for i in np.arange(len(data)):
        data[i] = list(filter(None, data[i]))

source_WB = openpyxl.load_workbook(excel_file)

for sub_data in data:
    sub_data = [s.split(',') for s in sub_data][2:]
    df = pd.DataFrame(sub_data[2:], columns=sub_data[1])
    df['"Load (lbf)"'] = df['"Load (lbf)"'].astype(float)
    df['"Time (s)"'] = df['"Time (s)"'].astype(float)
    df['"Extension (in)"'] = df['"Extension (in)"'].astype(float)
    source_WB.create_sheet(' '.join(sub_data[0]))
    print("Writing ", ' '.join(sub_data[0]))

    if ' '.join(sub_data[0]) in source_WB.sheetnames:
        ws = source_WB[' '.join(sub_data[0])]
        ws =
    for r in dataframe_to_rows(df, index=False, header=True):

Initially, I tried to load the entire workbook every time it looped, but that prove to consume too much memory. I then ended with optimized modes of openpyxl, but even then it slows down significantly. The "data" list is about 30,000+ lines long with 3 columns.

Using the optimized mode of openpyxl, I was hoping to copy data from a "read_only" excel file to a "write_only" excel file as recommedend in the docs. I then save the "write_only" excel file over the "read_only" file, which acts as the source for the next loop around.

Aside from the significant slow down after the tenth sample, or so, all data is aligned in a single column for all samples except the last, which has all the data in 3 columns, as intended.

I've looked as much as I know how to ask search engines, but still can't find a good fit for what I am doing.

I have a lot of data, I need to get it into excel, how do I do that quickly? Thanks.


  • I figured it out! Answer is below. I know this was probably plastered everywhere and I simply didn't understand, but this is able to write my dataframes to an excel workbook, each in its own sheet, very rapidly. No excessive memory consumption.

    import os
    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
    import openpyxl
    from openpyxl.utils.dataframe import dataframe_to_rows
    print("openpyxl version: ", openpyxl.__version__)
    source_file = r'input.txt'
    base = os.path.splitext(source_file)[0]
    excel_file = base + ".xlsx"
    with open(source_file, 'r') as file:
        data ='""')
        data = [i.split('\n') for i in data]
        for i in np.arange(len(data)):
            data[i] = list(filter(None, data[i]))
    source_WB = openpyxl.Workbook(write_only=True)
    for sub_data in data:
        sub_data = [s.split(',') for s in sub_data][2:]
        df = pd.DataFrame(sub_data[2:], columns=sub_data[1])
        df['"Load (lbf)"'] = df['"Load (lbf)"'].astype(float)
        df['"Time (s)"'] = df['"Time (s)"'].astype(float)
        df['"Extension (in)"'] = df['"Extension (in)"'].astype(float)
        source_WB.create_sheet(title=' '.join(sub_data[0]))
        print("Writing ", ' '.join(sub_data[0]))
        ws = source_WB[' '.join(sub_data[0])]
        for r in dataframe_to_rows(df, index=False, header=True):