I have the following shacl spec
rdf:type owl:Class ;
rdf:type sh:NodeShape ;
rdfs:label "Relation"@en ;
sh:property [
sh:path efdn:nondirectionalLinkWith ;
sh:NodeKind sh:IRI ;
sh:maxCount 2 ;
sh:minCount 2 ;
] ;
My Goal is to express that a Relation must be connected by exactly "nondirectionalLinkWith" object property. More specifically I would like to express that it can be any subPropertyOf of "nondirectionalLinkWith". In other words, one can say, a Relation object is such that it must be connected by 2 non directional Link. Where non directional link are any object property that is a subPropertyOf "nondirectionalLinkWith".
1 ) I wonder how one can express that using shacl.
So far the only possibility i saw is to use an RDFS Reasoner Explicitly. That is, while Shacl handle rdfs:subClassOf Gracefully, and therefore there is no need to use a RDFS Reasoner, rdfs:SubPropertyOf seems to have no support.
Am I correct here, or there is a way to express such a constraint in shacl directly.
With an RDFS Reasoner we have:
Construct {
:x1 :p1 :x2
} Where {
:x1 :p2. :x2
:p2 rdfs:subPropertyOf :p1.
Which allows to then validate the Relation. However, I wonder if i can avoid the use of an RDFS Reasoner altogether to handle such a simple case ? If it can be expressed in pure shacl somehow, or any other workaround would be much appreciated.
First, note that the constraint property sh:nodeKind must start with a lower-case n
SHACL does not directly support rdfs:subPropertyOf, so you are right that requiring RDFS reasoning is one way to go. You can use sh:entailment for that purpose, see https://www.w3.org/TR/shacl/#shacl-rdfs
If you know the sub-properties in advance, you could also use an alternative path and enumerate all sub-properties in an | list, see https://www.w3.org/TR/shacl/#property-path-alternative