
How do I add an OCaml library reference to a Reason code file?

Just began with Reason and OCaml today. I've started with the https://github.com/esy-ocaml/hello-reason sample. I want to make a HTTP API call so I've installed ocaml-cohttp with: esy add @opam/cohttp-lwt.

Now I want to use that library (or any that you may have as a suggestion) within the hello-reason getting started sample.

I can't find reference documentation on how to import it. I've tried:

open cohttp-lwt

Can I use OCaml libraries within in Reason code files?


  • Yes, the only difference is syntax. The client tutorial can be translated directly, and automatically into this:

    open Lwt;
    open Cohttp;
    open Cohttp_lwt_unix;
    let body =
      >>= (
        ((resp, body)) => {
          let code = resp |> Response.status |> Code.code_of_status;
          Printf.printf("Response code: %d\n", code);
            "Headers: %s\n",
            resp |> Response.headers |> Header.to_string,
          |> Cohttp_lwt.Body.to_string
          >|= (
            body => {
              Printf.printf("Body of length: %d\n", String.length(body));
    let () = {
      let body = Lwt_main.run(body);
      print_endline("Received body\n" ++ body);

    Edit: hello-reason uses , so you also have to add cohttp-lwt-unix to the libraries stanza in the project's dune file, as shown in the client tutorial here.