To support JUnit 5, I recently upgraded a Spring Boot application to version 2.4.7
Local development uses an embedded Tomcat server, while all other environments run on a Weblogic server 12.1.3
Everything runs locally, but using the Weblogic Server results in the following exception:
Caused By: weblogic.descriptor.DescriptorException: VALIDATION PROBLEMS WERE FOUND
/weblogic.utils.classloaders.GenericClassLoader@700d06bb finder: weblogic.utils.classloaders.CodeGenClassFinder@40ce7cdd annotation: APP@/WEB-INF/lib/tomcat-embed-websocket-9.0.46.jar!/META-INF/web-fragment.xml:18:3:18:3: problem: cvc-enumeration-valid: string value '4.0' is not a valid enumeration value for web-app-versionType in namespace
at weblogic.descriptor.internal.MarshallerFactory$1.evaluateResults(
Other questions on the topic led me to check web.xml
, but it contains version="3.0"
I don't know how to proceed because I don't understand where this comes from.
Do you have this in your pom.xml to exclude packaging of the tomcat jar files when creating the war file?
The spring-boot-starter-tomcat dependencies must have provided scope.