I'm working with Dhall 1.39.0 and getting this error:
Error: Expression doesn't match annotation
- Text
+ { … : … } (a record type)
You or the interpreter annotated this expression:
[ file contents ]
... with this type or kind:
↳ Text
... but the inferred type or kind of the expression is actually:
↳ { Sentences :
{ Name : Text
, Object : Text
, Statement : Bool
, Subject : Text
, Verb : Text
, Version : Text
This is yielded from cat show-and-tell.dhall | ~/external-programs/bin/dhall --explain text
Note that I can load the relevant dhall file into the dhall-golang library and have it rendered correctly. So I'm quite a bit confused.
A somewhat contrived sample file is here:
let Sentence : Type =
Name : Text,
Subject : Text ,
Verb : Text ,
Object : Text ,
Statement : Bool
let Information : Type = {
Version : Text,
Sentences : List Sentence
let all = ".+"
let answer : Information = {
Version = "v1"
, Sentences =
[ { Name = "s1"
, Subject = "bobross"
, Verb = "${all}"
, Object = "${all}"
, Statement = True
, { Name = "s2"
, Subject = "Everyone"
, Verb = "${all}"
, Object = "${all}"
, Statement = False
, { Name = "s3"
, Subject = "picasso"
, Verb = "questions"
, Object = "${all}"
, Statement = True
in answer
dhall text
is for rendering the value of a Dhall expression of type Text
(somewhat like, e.g., the -r
option to jq
$ echo '"Foo"' | dhall text
as compared to
$ echo '"Foo"' | dhall
Your expression has type Information
; you just need dhall
by itself.
$ cat show-and-tell.dhall | dhall
{ Sentences =
[ { Name = "s1"
, Object = ".+"
, Statement = True
, Subject = "bobross"
, Verb = ".+"
, { Name = "s2"
, Object = ".+"
, Statement = False
, Subject = "Everyone"
, Verb = ".+"
, { Name = "s3"
, Object = ".+"
, Statement = True
, Subject = "picasso"
, Verb = "questions"
, Version = "v1"