I have a blog in a website that I want to redirect.
For example this URL https://example.com/blog/june-2021/name-of-blog-post should redirect to https://example2.com/blog/june-2021/name-of-blog-post
There are hundreds of blog posts so I can't use an array to redirect them one by one.
I'm using Pantheon as the host. I added the script to settings.php.
Currently everything from example.com goes to example2.com, so it's not working correctly.
Here's my script:
$uri_path = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], PHP_URL_PATH);
$uri_segments = explode('/', $uri_path);
$blog = $uri_segments[0];
$post_date = $uri_segments[1];
$post_name = $uri_segments[2];
if ((stripos($url, "/blog/") === 0) && (php_sapi_name() != "cli")) {
header('HTTP/1.0 301 Moved Permanently'); header("Location: https://example2.com".$blog.$post_date.$post_name);
if (extension_loaded('newrelic')) {
exit(); }
Thanks in advance!
You can check for /blog/
by checking that it is found !== false
anywhere in $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']
if ((stripos($url, "/blog/") !== false) && (php_sapi_name() != "cli")) {
Or check to see if it is found at the first 0
position of $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']
if ((stripos($url, "/blog/") === 0) && (php_sapi_name() != "cli")) {
only takes three arguments and you only need the first two.Location
header should consist of a single absolute URI like https://example2.com/blog/june-2021/name-of-blog-post
, so you might look at the other $_SERVER
variables to construct one.