Thank you for any help you could provide. I will be brief to save your time!
I have a cloud function (done following the official youtube tutorial):
exports.makeAdminUser = functions.region('europe-central2').https.onCall( (data, context) => {
grantAdminRole( )
I have an invocation (done following the official documentation, from a vuejs app):
const addAdmin = functions.httpsCallable('makeAdminUser')
addAdmin({ email: ''}).then( res => { console.log( res ) })
I have the permissions set for the deployed function (allUsers as the invoker, the function is public, doesn't require authentication):
I get a CORS error, like so (trying to invoke from firebase hosting):
What am I doing wrong?
onCall functions behaviour differently than onRequest functions with regards to the cors, for example you need to ensure you're calling it from the same region. See this post
const addAdmin = functions('europe-west2').httpsCallable('makeAdminUser')
addAdmin({ email: ''}).then( res => { console.log( res ) })
The cors issue can also occur if your function is erroring, worth checking in your local emulator.