I have a line chart created using the dc.js library. The line chart is based on two different corssfilter groups by calling stack
method. I don't want to use the default colors dc.js provides. How do I assign colors to these two lines based on the group? Here is the code for my stacked line chart class which I used for my React App.
export default class StackLineChart {
constructor(_config) {
this.parentElement = _config.parentElement;
this.containerID = _config.containerID || "stack-line-chart";
initVis() {
let vis = this;
vis.chartContainer = vis.parentElement
.attr("id", this.containerID)
vis.chart = new dc.LineChart(`#${this.containerID}`);
.yAxisLabel("Number of Conversation Finished")
.margins({top: 10, left: 50, right: 10, bottom: 50});
updateVis(_config) {
let vis = this;
.group(_config.group1, _config.group1_name)
.valueAccessor(d => d.value)
.stack(_config.group2, _config.group2_name, d => { return d.value});
renderVis() {
let vis = this;
resetVis() {
let vis = this;
Here is the code to update the chart (i.e assigning groups and dimension)
let dim = cf.dimension(d => d.dd_end);
let minMax = d3.extent(this.state.data, d => d.dd_end);
let nonUrgentGroup = dim.group().reduceSum(d => d.isNonUrgent);
let urgentGroup = dim.group().reduceSum(d => d.isUrgent);
domain: minMax,
dimension: dim,
group1: nonUrgentGroup, group1_name: "Non Urgent",
group2: urgentGroup, group2_name: "Urgent",
Some background for the field isNonUrgent
and isUrgent
in the dataset, they can be either 0 or 1.
You can set the color scheme via the color scale.
This is an ordinal scale, so e.g. I tried
on the top chart of this fiddle I had open.
And sure enough, this causes the chart to use D3's dark color scheme: