
fixest::iplot(), dropping some factors

I am using fixest (version 0.9.0), and I want to omit a numerical factor in the plot of the fixed effects generated by iplot().

reg1 <- feols(mpg ~ disp + i(carb, ref = 8), data = mtcars)
fdict <-  c("2" = "two", "3" = "three")
etable(reg1, dict = fdict)

The summary replaces values 2 and 3 with the defined labels. However, no category is dropped when I try to run any of the following

iplot(reg1, dict = fdict, drop = "two")
iplot(reg1, dict = fdict, drop = "two|three")
iplot(reg1, dict = fdict, drop = "%2")

How do I omit the desired category/ies?


  • It's a known bug, the developer is working on this issue: https://github.com/lrberge/fixest/issues/164.

    UPD (Sept 21): the bug is resolved!