I have a method which I want to bulk insert
into mysql. I am using NodeJS
and mysql2
My method:
createWorklog = async ({ sqlArray }) => {
const sql = `INSERT INTO ${this.tableName}
(project_id, user_id, date, duration, task, description) VALUES ?`
const result = await query(sql, [sqlArray])
const affectedRows = result ? result.affectedRows : 0;
return affectedRows;
Where sqlArray
is an array of arrays
where all the children arrays are the same length.
And the query
method that is called in this method is the next one:
query = async (sql, values) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const callback = (error, result) => {
if (error) {
// execute will internally call prepare and query
this.db.execute(sql, values, callback);
}).catch(err => {
const mysqlErrorList = Object.keys(HttpStatusCodes);
// convert mysql errors which in the mysqlErrorList list to http status code
err.status = mysqlErrorList.includes(err.code) ? HttpStatusCodes[err.code] : err.status;
throw err;
My problem is that the body parameters
are ok (as I said, array of arrays) but the method throws 500
Can this be possible because of execute
command that is present in mysql2
? Or is another mistake?
Thank you for your time!
I changed my method from using 'execute' to 'query' Based on @Gaurav’s answer and it's working well.
This is a known issue with execute
and query
method in mysql2
I've found a working alternative.
createWorklog = async ({ sqlArray }) => {
const sql = `INSERT INTO ${this.tableName}
(project_id, user_id, date, duration, task, description) VALUES ?`
const result = await query(sql, [sqlArray], true) // adding true for multiple insert
const affectedRows = result ? result.affectedRows : 0;
return affectedRows;
Then query can be written as below
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const callback = ...
if (multiple) this.db.query(sql, values, callback);
else this.db.execute(sql, values, callback);
}).catch(err => {
More info regarding this issue can be found here https://github.com/sidorares/node-mysql2/issues/830