There is some api endpoint, which i try to send POST request with code like this
import requests
url = ''
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
data = {'folder': 'folder_name'}
params = {'access_token': '<authorization_code_flow_token>'}
r =,
But i get 400 response:
"error_description":"Request field validation failed.",
"error_details":{"folder":"folder is required"},
I don't understand why it fails, because their example with curl works fine.
curl \
-d "folder=Awesome Collection" \
-d access_token=Alph4num3r1ct0k3nv4lu3
And I was successful with post responses to get authenticated.
I tried to change content-type header(json and x-www-formurlencoded) and pass data-payload different ways(passing json string to data param, passing dict to json, passing paylod as query string). But It does not work. I dont have a clue what i am doing wrong. It seems like i send payload wrong or put wrong headers, but i tried a lot of "combinations" and still no effect.
For next hour you if you want try to help you can use access_token: ba4550889c8c36c8d82093906145d9fd66775c959030d3d772
The following code will work.
import requests
url = ""
payload={'folder': 'Awesome Collection',
'access_token': 'ba4550889c8c36c8d82093906145d9fd66775c959030d3d772'}
headers = {}
response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload, files=files)