
Changing version and build number for a specific target Fastlane

I am trying to implement Fastlane into a Xcode project containing over 30 apps.

At this moment I am stuck with the lane that builds the app for the "AppStore" as it has to change the version and the build number for a specific target. The code for my lane is:

desc "Archives and creates the app for the AppStore"
lane :build_appstore do |options|
    scheme = options[:scheme]
    output_directory = options[:output_directory]
    configuration = options[:configuration]
    export_method = options[:export_method]

    bundle_id = options[:bundle_id]
    version = options[:version]
    build = options[:build]

    # Used for increment_version_number. Does it work?
    ENV["APP_IDENTIFIER"] = options[:bundle_id]
        version_number: version
        build_number: build
        scheme: scheme,
        output_directory: output_directory,
        configuration: configuration,
        export_method: export_method

The lanes works but when I have a look at the project, I see that all targets have the version and build number changed which is a little but of inconvenient.

Any ideas??


  • I ended up create using xcodeproj ruby and I create the following lane:

    # Sets the "VERSION" and "BUILD" number for a target
    # @param args [Hash] Key value arguments. All the values are Strings. List: 
    #   - target_name: The name of the target (REQUIRED)
    #   - version: The version number to be used (REQUIRED)
    #   - build: The build number to be used (REQUIRED)
    desc "Sets the \"VERSION\" and \"BUILD\" number for a target"
    lane :set_version_build_number do |args|
        puts("\"set_version_build_number\" lane with ARGUMENTS: #{args}")
        target_name = args[:target_name]
        version = args[:version]
        build = args[:build]
        raise(StandardError, "Invalid ARGUMENTS for: \"set_version_build_number\" LANE") unless (
            target_name != nil &&
            version != nil &&
            build != nil
        puts("\ttarget_name: #{target_name}")
        puts("\tversion: #{version}")
        puts("\tbuild: #{build}")
        project_url = find_xcode_project()
        raise(StandardError, "Invalid Xcode project for: \"set_version_build_number\" LANE") unless project_url != nil
        project = Xcodeproj::Project.open(project_url)
        xc_target = project.targets.find { |target| target.name == target_name }
        raise(StandardError, "Invalid target for: \"set_version_build_number\" LANE") unless xc_target != nil
        xc_target.build_configurations.each { |build_configuration| 
            build_configuration.build_settings["MARKETING_VERSION"] = version
            build_configuration.build_settings["CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION"] = build