I want to add constraints between the planes of the base-coordinate systems of components in an Inventor assmbly using the Inventor API with Python. The placement of the components works. My issue is, that i cannot access WorkPlanes in the Definition of my individual Occurrences. My Code looks like this:
import win32com.client as win32
project_folder = "C:\\Users\\User_1\\210608_project\\"
inv = win32.gencache.EnsureDispatch('Inventor.Application')
inv.Visible = True
#Open a new assembly
inv.Documents.Add(win32.constants.kAssemblyDocumentObject, "", True)
invActDoc = inv.ActiveDocument
invAssDoc = win32.CastTo(invActDoc, 'AssemblyDocument')
#Create the transient matrices
oTG = inv.TransientGeometry
oMatrix = oTG.CreateMatrix()
#Add component to assembly
invAssDocDef = invAssDoc.ComponentDefinition
invAssOcc = invAssDocDef.Occurrences
occ1 = invAssOcc.Add(project_folder + 'generic_part_1.ipt', oMatrix)
occ2 = invAssOcc.Add(project_folder + 'generic_part_2.ipt', oMatrix)
#create constraints
#get the Planes of the Base-Coordinate-System of Part 1
wp_YZ_1 = occ1.Definition.WorkPlanes.Item(1)
wp_XZ_1 = occ1.Definition.WorkPlanes.Item(2)
wp_XY_1 = occ1.Definition.WorkPlanes.Item(3)
#get the Planes of the Base-Coordinate-System of Part 2
wp_YZ_2 = occ2.Definition.WorkPlanes.Item(1)
wp_XZ_2 = occ2.Definition.WorkPlanes.Item(2)
wp_XY_2 = occ2.Definition.WorkPlanes.Item(3)
#Add the constraints
AssCons = invAssDoc.ComponentDefinition.Constraints
AssCons.AddFlushConstraint(wp_YZ_1, wp_YZ_2, 0)
AssCons.AddFlushConstraint(wp_XZ_1, wp_XZ_2, 0)
AssCons.AddFlushConstraint(wp_XY_1, wp_XY_2, 0)
It breaks when i try to get the WorkPlanes:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/Users/User1/210608_projekt/how_to_constrain_components_in_assemblies.py", line 27, in <module>
wp1 = occ1.Definition.WorkPlanes.Item(1)
File "C:\Program Files\Python37\lib\site-packages\win32com\client\__init__.py", line 473, in __getattr__
raise AttributeError("'%s' object has no attribute '%s'" % (repr(self), attr))
AttributeError: '<win32com.gen_py.Autodesk Inventor Object Library.ComponentDefinition instance at 0x2748634277928>' object has no attribute 'WorkPlanes'
This happens to everything that I tried, that is inside of Occurrence.Item(i).Definition.
If i open the same assembly in a VBA script, everything is where it should be. Am I missing something about working with occurrences using the API?
You need to create WorkPlaneProxy
object of the WorkPlane
. It means representation of workplane defined in part in context of specific occurrence in the assembly
Here is part of VB.NET code
'Define variables for workplane proxy
Dim wp_YZ_1_proxy As WorkPlaneProxy
Dim wp_YZ_2_proxy As WorkPlaneProxy
'You need to pass result variable as argument
' ByRef in VB.NET, out in C#
'I don't know how to do in Python
occ1.CreateGeometryProxy(wp_YZ_1, wp_YZ_1_proxy)
occ2.CreateGeometryProxy(wp_YZ_2, wp_YZ_2_proxy)
Dim AssCons As AssemblyConstraints = asm.Constraints
'Use this proxies for constraint creation
AssCons.AddFlushConstraint(wp_YZ_1_proxy, wp_YZ_2_proxy, 0)