I am trying to setup an alpine linux docker container with jprofiler 12.0.3, so that I can connect to it remotely.
In my Dockerfile
FROM adoptopenjdk/openjdk11-openj9:alpine-slim
RUN wget https://download-gcdn.ej-technologies.com/jprofiler/jprofiler_linux_12_0_3.tar.gz -P /jprofiler/ && tar -xzf jprofiler_linux_12_0_3.tar.gz -C /jprofiler && rm /jprofiler/jprofiler_linux_12_0_3.tar.gz
ENTRYPOINT ["./startup.sh"]
And in my startup.sh
JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -agentpath:/jprofiler/jprofiler12.0.3/bin/linux_musl-x64/libjprofilerti.so=port=8849,nowait"
However, when I build and then run the docker image using the Dockerfile above, I get:
Starting app with JAVA_OPTS: -agentpath:/jprofiler/jprofiler12.0.3/bin/linux_musl-x64/libjprofilerti.so=port=8849,nowait
JProfiler> Protocol version 64
JProfiler> Thread status info workaround enabled.
JProfiler> OpenJ9 JVMTI version 1.1 detected.
JProfiler> Java 11 detected.
JProfiler> Don't wait for frontend to connect.
JProfiler> 64-bit library (musl)
JProfiler> Could not locate the config file.
JProfiler> Please specify config=[config filename].
JProfiler> If you are running JProfiler's frontend on a different
JProfiler> machine you have to copy the file jprofiler_config.xml to this
JProfiler> computer. The file is located in $HOME/.jprofiler12 or
JProfiler> in C:\Users\[username]\.jprofiler12.
If I change the base image to a hotspot one like this for example:
FROM adoptopenjdk:11-jre-hotspot-focal
RUN wget https://download-gcdn.ej-technologies.com/jprofiler/jprofiler_linux_12_0_3.tar.gz -P /jprofiler/ && tar -xzf jprofiler_linux_12_0_3.tar.gz -C /jprofiler && rm /jprofiler/jprofiler_linux_12_0_3.tar.gz
ENTRYPOINT ["./startup.sh"]
And startup.sh
JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -agentpath:/jprofiler/jprofiler12.0.3/bin/linux_musl-x64/libjprofilerti.so=port=8849,nowait"
I get, the following output and I can connect to this JVM remotely with JProfiler:
Starting app with JAVA_OPTS: -agentpath:/jprofiler/jprofiler12.0.3/bin/linux-x64/libjprofilerti.so=port=8849,nowait
JProfiler> Protocol version 64
JProfiler> Java 11 detected.
JProfiler> Don't wait for frontend to connect.
JProfiler> 64-bit library
JProfiler> Starting up without initial configuration.
JProfiler> Listening on port: 8849.
JProfiler> Enabling native methods instrumentation.
JProfiler> Can retransform classes.
JProfiler> Can retransform any class.
JProfiler> Native library initialized
JProfiler> VM initialized
JProfiler> Retransforming 162 base class files.
JProfiler> Base classes instrumented.
Would you happen to know why the alpine image behaves this way and if there is any way to fix this config file issue?
The difference is between the OpenJ9 and the Hotspot VMs. For OpenJ9 JProfiler needs the profiling settings at startup, so you have to specify the "config" option for the -agentpath parameter.
You can use the remote integration wizard (Session->Integration wizards->New Remote Integration) integration to get help with settings this up.