Here's the code snippet : annotation of mathematical equation of the cuve.
# equation annotation
plt.annotate(s =f"$exp({poly_regr.intercept_[0] : 0.2f} - {-poly_regr.coef_[0,0] : 0.2f}x + {poly_regr.coef_[0,1]: 0.4f}x^2)$",
xy = (1975, 0.4*(10**13)),
color = "black",
fontsize = 13,
fontweight = "normal"
what's the possible way to update the f-string
code to get the desired anotation with a beautiful mathematical equations.
or even how to write more complex things , for example :
You can do it using LaTeX syntax. For example, replace the string in plt.annotate
fr"$e^{{({poly_regr.intercept_[0] : 0.2f} - {-poly_regr.coef_[0,0] : 0.2f}x + {poly_regr.coef_[0,1]: 0.4f}x^2)}}$"
or with
r"$e^{(\alpha + \beta + 48x)}$"