I am implementing Apple's App Attestation service.
As part of the process, i receive a EC key and a signature.
Sample key:
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
Sample signature:
Sample sha256 hash:
If i put this into a couple of txt files like so:
System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes("/wherever/sig", Convert.FromBase64String(sampleSignature));
System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes("/wherever/hash", Convert.FromBase64String(sampleSha256Hash));
Then i can validate the signature with Openssl like so
openssl dgst -sha256 -verify sampleKey.pem -signature /wherever/sig /wherever/hash
(the above outputs)
Verified OK
I can verify the signature using Bouncy Castle like so:
var bouncyCert = DotNetUtilities.FromX509Certificate(certificate);
var bouncyPk = (ECPublicKeyParameters)bouncyCert.GetPublicKey();
var verifier = SignerUtilities.GetSigner("SHA-256withECDSA");
verifier.Init(false, bouncyPk);
verifier.BlockUpdate(sha256HashByteArray, 0, sha256HashByteArray.Length);
var valid = verifier.VerifySignature(signature); // Happy days, this is true
Since i don't want to share my whole certificate here, the same sample may be achieved as follows:
// these are the values from the sample key shared at the start of the post
// as returned by BC. Note that .Net's Y byte array is completely different.
Org.BouncyCastle.Math.BigInteger x = new Org.BouncyCastle.Math.BigInteger(Convert.FromBase64String("d34IR9wYL76jLyZ148O/hjXo9iaFz/q/xEMXCwYPy6w="));
Org.BouncyCastle.Math.BigInteger y = new Org.BouncyCastle.Math.BigInteger(Convert.FromBase64String("ALFvFjNYNk96AbgUf6yddpdA9gPpAjNk1j+RwyMga1RO"));
X9ECParameters nistParams = NistNamedCurves.GetByName("P-256");
ECDomainParameters domainParameters = new ECDomainParameters(nistParams.Curve, nistParams.G, nistParams.N, nistParams.H, nistParams.GetSeed());
var G = nistParams.G;
Org.BouncyCastle.Math.EC.ECCurve curve = nistParams.Curve;
Org.BouncyCastle.Math.EC.ECPoint q = curve.CreatePoint(x, y);
ECPublicKeyParameters pubkeyParam = new ECPublicKeyParameters(q, domainParameters);
var verifier = SignerUtilities.GetSigner("SHA-256withECDSA");
verifier.Init(false, pubkeyParam);
verifier.BlockUpdate(sha256HashByteArray, 0, sha256HashByteArray.Length);
var valid = verifier.VerifySignature(signature); // again, happy days.
However, i really want to avoid using bouncy castle.
So i am trying to use ECDsa available in .net core:
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
var certificate = new X509Certificate2(cert);
var publicKey = certificate.GetECDsaPublicKey();
var valid = publicKey.VerifyHash(sha256HashByteArray, signature); // FALSE :(
if you want to try to run the above here's the sample that creates the keys without the whole certificate:
using System.Security.Cryptography;
var ecParams = new ECParameters();
ecParams.Curve = ECCurve.CreateFromValue("1.2.840.10045.3.1.7");
ecParams.Q.X = Convert.FromBase64String("d34IR9wYL76jLyZ148O/hjXo9iaFz/q/xEMXCwYPy6w=");
// I KNOW that this is different from BC sample - i got each respective values from
// certificates in respective libraries, and it seems the way they format the coordinates
// are different.
ecParams.Q.Y = Convert.FromBase64String("sW8WM1g2T3oBuBR/rJ12l0D2A+kCM2TWP5HDIyBrVE4=");
var ecDsa = ECDsa.Create(ecParams);
var isValid = ecDsa.VerifyHash(nonce, signature); // FALSE :(
I tried using VerifyData()
instead and feeding raw data and HashAlgorithmName.SHA256
with no luck.
I found a response here (https://stackoverflow.com/a/49449863/2057955) that seems to suggest that .net expects the signature as r,s
concatenation, so i pulled them out of the DER sequence that i get back from my device (see sample signature) however that had no luck at all, i just can't get that 'true' back.
Question: how can i verify this EC signature using .Net Core on LINUX/MacOs (so unable to use ECDsaCng
hashes implicitly, i.e. sha256HashByteArray
is hashed again. Therefore instead of ECDsa#VerifyHash()
(does not hash implicitly) the method ECDsa#VerifyData()
(hashes implicitly) must be used.
Also, SignerUtilities.GetSigner()
returns a signature in ASN.1 format, and ECDsa#VerifyData()
expects a signature in r|s format (as you already figured out).
If both are taken into account, the verification is successful:
byte[] publicKey = Convert.FromBase64String("MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEd34IR9wYL76jLyZ148O/hjXo9iaFz/q/xEMXCwYPy6yxbxYzWDZPegG4FH+snXaXQPYD6QIzZNY/kcMjIGtUTg==");
byte[] sha256HashByteArray = Convert.FromBase64String("S3i6LAEzew5SDjQbq59/FraEAvGDg9y7fRIfbnhHPf4=");
byte[] signatureRS = Convert.FromBase64String("10f9tmAIvdD1HSq7Ux8IoKw8VhaIgqjywfzn9W2Twik0vEUB5RTbH4VJZ+FEZfRI4pQgPE9GiKCwIeknGAZddQ==");
var ecDsa = ECDsa.Create();
ecDsa.ImportSubjectPublicKeyInfo(publicKey, out _);
var isValid = ecDsa.VerifyData(sha256HashByteArray, signatureRS, HashAlgorithmName.SHA256);
Console.WriteLine(isValid); // True
Regarding the signature formats:
The posted signature in ASN.1 format
is hex encoded
From this, the signature in r|s format can be derived as (s. here)
or Base64 encoded: