Here I'm trying to write a code that can write and create a JSON File for me with the data I provide like row, column and depth. For example, I need to spawn a 10 x 10 x 10 cube. And I give this data in unity Inspector also in the code when I'm serializing it. I tried achieving this in a for loop and writing the JSON file. But I'm not getting the output I wanted. I am expecting output where the cube locations are different and in place what happens instead is all the data or cube position in my data is the one before the number I give. that is if I gave my row, column, and depth to be 10. So my data is like x: 9, y: 9, z:9 for the whole 1000 elements.Better explained in image down below.I know I'm doing a mistake at some point just not able to figure out where. Thanks for the help in Advance
public class JSONWriter : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField] int rows , columns, depth = 10;
[SerializeField] float padding;
public enum CubeType
private readonly IReadOnlyDictionary<CubeType, Color> colors = new Dictionary<CubeType, Color>
{CubeType.white, Color.white},
{CubeType.yellow, Color.yellow},
public class CubeData
public Vector3 cubePosition;
public CubeType Cube;
public class CubeDataList
public CubeData[] cubeDatas;
public void outputJSON()
string strOutput = JsonUtility.ToJson(myCubeDataList);
File.WriteAllText(Application.dataPath + "/Resources/10x10x10.txt", strOutput);
//CubeData myCubeData = new CubeData();
public CubeDataList myCubeDataList = new CubeDataList();
void Start()
for (int x = 0; x < myCubeDataList.cubeDatas.Length; x++)
for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++)
for (int k = 0; k < rows; k++)
myCubeDataList.cubeDatas[x].cubePosition = new Vector3(i, j, k) * padding;
//myCubeDataList.cubeDatas[x].Cube = Random.Range(CubeType, 3f);
You do not want to go through all i, j, k
for each and every element x
What you are doing is basically overwriting each and every element with the values for i=9, j=9, k=9
Instead of an array I would rather simply use a dynamic List
public class CubeDataList
public List<CubeData> cubeDatas;
and then dynamically add them via
myCubeDataList.cubeDatas = new List<CubeData>(i * j * k);
for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++)
for (int k = 0; k < rows; k++)
var data = new CubeData();
data.cubePosition = new Vector3(i, j, k) * padding;
data.Cube = Random.Range(CubeType, 3f);
Or if you really want to go with an array
for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++)
for (int k = 0; k < rows; k++)
var data = new CubeData();
myCubeDataList.cubeDatas[x].cubePosition = new Vector3(i, j, k) * padding;
myCubeDataList.cubeDatas[x].Cube = Random.Range(CubeType, 3f);
Though, from your previous question I know you actually do not want to fill the cube completely!
You actually only want the external shape (like a wall) and leave the cube empty on the inside.
So what you actually want would probably rather be
myCubeDataList.cubeDatas = new List<CubeData>(i * j * k);
for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++)
for (int k = 0; k < rows; k++)
if(i == 0 || i == depth - 1
|| j == 0 || j == depth - 1
|| k == 0 || k == depth - 1)
var data = new CubeData();
data.cubePosition = new Vector3(i, j, k) * padding;
// TODO random enum (see below)
For the random enum vlaue see e.g. this answer and do
private Random random = new Random();
and then where it says // TODO
var values = Enum.GetValues(typeof(Bar));
data.Cube = (CubeType)values.GetValue(random.Next(values.Length));