I have a routed component like this:
From component A: I have an object that was fetched through an API, At the moment I have a button that is redirecting me to Component B.
There is no parent child relationship between components A and B.
What I want to do is to send that object while redirecting to component B, So I can work on it.
I don't want to pass the data through the URL like this:
return this.router.navigate(['associate-product/' + this.id, {this.data}]);
Also I don't want to store the object on LocalStorage.
Is there a way to achieve this ?
Using Routing
If you want to pass data from one component to another using routing, you can use NavigationExtras
In CompA you can do:
constructor(private router: Router){
this.router.navigate(['route_to_comp_b/' + `${params_if_any}`], {
data: yourDataToShareWithCompB
In CompB you can do:
constructor(private router: Router){
const data = router.getCurrentNavigation().extras.state.data;
PS: You can also use service based pattern as answered by others