
How to add tailwindcss to KotlinJS

I am unable to add the tailwindcss library to my KotlinJS project. I tried multiple things.

I have multiple dependencies defined in my build.gradle.kts

implementation(npm("postcss", "latest"))
implementation(npm("postcss-loader", "latest"))
implementation(npm("tailwindcss", "1.8.10"))

I tried creating a tailwindcss.js in my webpack.config.d with this content

        test: /\.css$/i,
        use: [
                loader: 'postcss-loader',
                options: {
                    postcssOptions: {
                        plugins: [

But that doesn't do anything. I also tried modifying this with multiple options, but I was never able to get tailwindcss to compile. I also tried disabling and enabling the KotlinJS CSS support in build.gradle.kts

I can't find any info on how to add postcss to KotlinJS project.

Thank you for any help.


  • The accepted answer seems to not work anymore. Also, using the Node Gradle plugin is sub-optimal (KotlinJS already maintains its own package.json and yarn installation).

    I managed to get Tailwind to work with KotlinJS thanks for this repository (GitHub) with a few small updates that you can find here (GitLab).