
AnalysisException: Path does not exist: dbfs:/databricks/python/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sampleFolder/data;

I am packing the following code in a whl file:

from pkg_resources import resource_filename
def path_to_model(anomaly_dir_name: str, data_path: str):
    filepath = resource_filename(anomaly_dir_name, data_path)
    return filepath
def read_data(spark) -> DataFrame:
    return ("sampleFolder", "data"))))

I confirmed that the whl file contains the parquet files under sampleFolder/data/ directory correctly. When i run this locally it works, but when i upload this whl file to dbfs and run then i get this error:

AnalysisException: Path does not exist: dbfs:/databricks/python/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sampleFolder/data;

I confirmed that this directory actually does not exist: dbfs:/databricks/python Any idea what this error could be?



  • By default Spark on Databricks works with files on DBFS, until you're explicitly change the schema. In your case, the path_to_model function returns the string /databricks/python/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sampleFolder/data, and because it doesn't have explicit schema, then Spark uses dbfs schema. But the file is on the local node, not on DBFS - that's why Spark can't find it.

    To fix that, you need to copy data onto DBFS, and read from there. This could be done with dbutils.fs.cp command. Change code to following:

    def read_data(spark) -> DataFrame:
        data_path = str(path_to_model("sampleFolder", "data"))
        tmp_path = "/tmp/my_sample_data"
        dbutils.fs.cp("file:" + data_path, tmp_path, True)
        return (