
Where does MYSQL store logic for "UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"

I usually would update a timestamp column from PHP but just realized this could be done at MySQL DBMS level. So I found and tested the code below through SQLYog which I use for DB admin:

 CREATE TABLE `TestLastUpdate` (
`Name` VARCHAR(50) NULL,
`Address` VARCHAR(50) NULL,
COMMENT='Last Update'

The table was created as expected and LastUpdate changes each time the field is updated.

I could not however find anything in the table info to show where this is stored (current_timestamp() as I know works for insert normally), neither was a trigger or event created by this code.

So where is this logic being stored? I suppose there are some other table attributes (asides foreign keys, indexes) which MySQL keeps but which SQLYog does not display?


  • You can see these attributes of a timestamp column in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA:

    mysql> create table test.mytable (id serial primary key, ts timestamp default current_timestamp on update current_timestamp);
    mysql> select table_name, column_name, column_default, extra from information_schema.columns where table_name='mytable';
    | table_name | column_name | column_default    | extra                       |
    | mytable    | id          | NULL              | auto_increment              |
    | mytable    | ts          | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP |

    In MySQL prior to 8.0, all table metadata is in the .frm file corresponding to your table.

    $ ls -l /usr/local/var/mysql/test
    total 256
    -rw-r-----  1 bkarwin  admin      67 Jun 16 10:04 db.opt
    -rw-r-----  1 bkarwin  admin    8582 Jul  1 07:05 mytable.frm
    -rw-r-----  1 bkarwin  admin  114688 Jul  1 07:05 mytable.ibd

    Within the .frm file, there's a bit-field called unireg_check that stores attributes of columns. Some of the bits are:

    How are these bits used? That's buried deep in the MySQL source code. It's all special-case code.

       Set CURRENT_TIMESTAMP as default/update value based on
       the unireg_check value.
    if ((def->sql_type == MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME ||
         def->sql_type == MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP)
        && (def->unireg_check != Field::NONE))
      Item_func_now_local *now = new (thd->mem_root) Item_func_now_local(0);
      if (!now)
      if (def->unireg_check == Field::TIMESTAMP_DN_FIELD)
        default_value= now;
      else if (def->unireg_check == Field::TIMESTAMP_UN_FIELD)
        update_value= now;
      else if (def->unireg_check == Field::TIMESTAMP_DNUN_FIELD)
        update_value= now;
        default_value= now;

    Here's a post by former engineering director Stewart Smith describing this use of the .frm file:

    You might be wondering, "what is unireg?" It's a database management system developed by Michael Widenius, who is the founder of MySQL. Unireg dates back to 1979 (see The design of the .frm file borrows code from the old Unireg project, and according to Stewart's blog, there are even bits of the unireg_check bit-field that are unused in MySQL but were used by Unireg.

    In some ways, MySQL — like a lot of software — is like a skyscraper built on the foundations of a ruined Roman castle.