I'm trying to return a list of contacts that could match multiple "PHONE" values. Right now I can get a list that matches one phone value but not an array of phone values. Here's what I have:
let contactList = await bitrix.call('crm.contact.list', {
"filter": {
"PHONE": phoneArray, //example ["1112223344","5556651234"]
"select": ["*","EMAIL","PHONE"]
I'm basing this off their API documentation that shows how to match one phone value here
There's also another article I found that mentions using a "LOGIC":"OR" in a filter that could potentially work. It's written in PHP so I'm not exactly sure how it translates to javascript.
You can use crm.duplicate.findbycomm
entity_type: "CONTACT",
type: "PHONE",
values: [ "8976543", "11223355" ],
but there are limitations:
An array containing up to 20 e-mails or phone numbers
Maybe it will do use batch (https://training.bitrix24.com/rest_help/js_library/rest/callBatch.php)
Unfortunately crm.contact.list
can't match multiple "PHONE" values