
How to send a file with RTK Query from Redux Toolkit?

I am trying to use RTK Query mutations to upload a file to the API. Here is my mutation code:

    addBanner: builder.mutation({
          query(body) {
            return {
              url: `/api/banners`,
              method: 'POST',

Here is how I generate the data for request.

    const [addBanner, { isBannerLoading }] = useAddBannerMutation();
    const new_banner = new FormData();    
    new_banner.append("file", my_file);
    new_banner.append("type", my_type);
    new_banner.append("title", my_title);
    addBanner(new_banner).unwrap().then( () => ... 

But I get an error:

A non-serializable value was detected in the state, in the path: `api.mutations.L-Mje7bYDfyNCC4NcxFD3.originalArgs.file`...

I know I can disable non-serializable check entirely through middleware, but I don't think it is an appropriate way of using Redux Toolkit and RTK. Without a file all works fine. Is there any right way of uploading files with RTK?


  • Edit: This has been fixed with @reduxjs/toolkit 1.6.1 - please update your package

    I just opened an issue for this: - thanks for bringing it up!

    For now, you'll probably have to disable that check (you can do so for a certain path in the state while keeping it for the rest with the ignoredPath option).