I have a Set Set:
Set<Set<Integer>> nestedSet = Set.of(Set.of(1, 9), Set.of(0,2,4), Set.of(14,1), Set.of(2,23,13), Set.of(14,22));
What i want to archive, is to stream through the nestedSet in chronology order (i know that a Set is not in chronological order, should i use a LinkedHashSet instead?) and put each of the Sets into the Hashmap as the value. The key of the Hashmap should be a index starting with 0. Something like this:
HashMap<Integer,Set<Integer>> hashMap = new HashMap<>();
for ( int i = 0; i < nestedSet.size; i++){
hashMap.put(i, firstSet);
And the output should be:
Use like this
AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger(0);
Map<Integer,Set<Integer>> map = nestedSet.stream() .collect(Collectors.toMap(x -> counter.getAndIncrement(), x -> x));
For maintaining insertion order in set you you use linked HashSet