Is there any way to create GCP alerting policy for uptime check using terraform and filter value of metric.label.check_id
of already deployed resource?
Provided examples in the terraform docs show only alerting policy for metrics not for uptime check for already deployed resource so I’m not sure if that is even possible with the terraform.
I have figure out a solution which works in my case.
I have create uptime check and uptime check alert by two separate terraform modules.
Terrraform uptime check module looks like:
resource "google_monitoring_uptime_check_config" "uptime-check" {
project = var.project_id
display_name = var.display_name
timeout = "10s"
period = "60s"
http_check {
path = var.path
port = var.port
use_ssl = true
validate_ssl = true
monitored_resource {
type = "uptime_url"
labels = {
host = var.hostname,
project_id = var.project_id
content_matchers {
content = "\"status\":\"UP\""
Then for the
for that module I have:
output "uptime_check_id" {
value = google_monitoring_uptime_check_config.uptime-check.uptime_check_id
Then in the alerts module I have follow terraform docs but modified them to code which looks like:
module "medallies-common-alerts" {
source = "./modules/alerts"
project_id = var.project_id
uptime_check_depends_on = [module.uptime-check]
check_id = module.uptime-check.uptime_check_id
resource "google_monitoring_alert_policy" "alert_policy_uptime_check" {
project = var.project_id
enabled = true
depends_on = [var.uptime_check_depends_on]
condition_threshold {
filter = format("metric.type=\"\" AND metric.label.\"check_id\"=\"%s\" AND resource.type=\"uptime_url\"",var.check_id)
duration = "300s"
comparison = "COMPARISON_GT"
threshold_value = "1"
trigger {
count = 1
Hope it will help someone too.