Some pseudocode:
data A = A
data B = B
data C = C
data D = D
data E = E
data F = F
data G = G
data A1 = A1 A B C
data A2 = A2 A
data A3 = A3 B C D
data A4 = A4 D E F
data A5 = A5 A1 A4 G
data Foo k = Foo
a1s :: Map.Map k A1,
a2s :: Map.Map k A2,
a3s :: Map.Map k A3,
a4s :: Map.Map k A4,
a5s :: Map.Map k A5,
--and my attempted solution would use
-- e.g. [(A1, [(A, Unit), (B, Unit), (C, Unit)]), (A5, [(A1, Composite), (A4, Composite), (G, Unit) ]) ]
componentMap :: Map.Map Type (Set Type),
-- e.g. [(A, [A1, A2]), (A1, [A5, A1]) ]
compositeMap :: Map.Map Type (Set Type)
I'd like to construct some kind of data structure that looks like this. From here, I'd like to:
lookup :: Foo k -> k -> Either FailureReason v
individual values; if we assume that we have populated maps, I'd like lookup foo a1 :: A1
, but also transitive instances such as lookup foo a1 :: B
or lookup foo a5 :: A1
(since this is shorthand for getA1fromA5 $ lookup foo a5
) and lookup foo a5 :: B
. I'm considering FailureReason = WrongType | NotPresent
but this is probably excessive.(k, D)
which should hit everything in A3, A4, A5
This could be implemented as a recursive search over componentMap
and compositeMap long as they were populated by hand.
Since the above seem very much recursive, I feel this has a GHC.Generics
solution. Possibly a lens/optics + generic-lens/generic-optics
Or is my solution one that doesn't need generics
and its ilk, and is instead just writing some traversals and lenses to index into my structure?
The question then becomes: is this functionality already existing in some library? If not, is Generics
the tool I'm looking for to implement it?
I'm assuming you don't actually want multiple maps here -- that is, a given key should correspond to exactly one value, not an A1
value from the a1s
map and another A2
value from from the a2s
map, etc.
Also, you haven't said what you want to do if there are multiple matches of a particular type within in a single value, for example if you have values of type:
data A6 = A6 A3 A4
and try to retrieve or traverse terms of type D
. Below, I assume you want to retrieve and/or traverse only the "first" one encountered (e.g., the D
in A3
only, ignoring the one in A4
Anyway, you can do this with Data
generics and some helpers from lens
's Data.Data.Lens
No special data type is needed. A plain Map
is sufficient, with a sum type to represent the collection of values you want to store:
data Dat = D_A1 A1 | D_A2 A2 | D_A3 A3 | D_A4 A4 | D_A5 A5 deriving (Data)
type Foo k dat = Map k dat
To look up a (possibly deeply nested) value by key, we can use the biplate
traversal from lens
lookupFoo :: (Ord k, Typeable v, Data dat) => k -> Foo k dat -> Maybe v
lookupFoo k foo = do
dat <- Map.lookup k foo
firstOf biplate dat
Here, biplate
recursively traverses all the subterms of type v
in the term dat
. The firstOf
query returns the first matching term or Nothing
if no terms are found. (The do
block is running in the Maybe
To perform an indexed traversal, we can also use biplate
, modified using taking 1
to traverse only the first match:
itraverseFoo :: (Applicative f, Typeable v, Data dat) => (k -> v -> f v) -> Foo k dat -> f (Foo k dat)
itraverseFoo f foo = Map.traverseWithKey f' foo
where f' k dat = taking 1 biplate (f k) dat
The full code:
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExplicitForAll #-}
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Data.Data
import Data.Data.Lens
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
data Dat = D_A1 A1 | D_A2 A2 | D_A3 A3 | D_A4 A4 | D_A5 A5 | D_A6 A6 deriving (Data)
type Foo k dat = Map k dat
lookupFoo :: (Ord k, Typeable v, Data dat) => k -> Foo k dat -> Maybe v
lookupFoo k foo = do
dat <- Map.lookup k foo
firstOf biplate dat
itraverseFoo :: (Applicative f, Typeable v, Data dat) => (k -> v -> f v) -> Foo k dat -> f (Foo k dat)
itraverseFoo f foo = Map.traverseWithKey f' foo
where f' k dat = taking 1 biplate (f k) dat
data A = A deriving (Data, Show)
data B = B deriving (Data, Show)
data C = C deriving (Data, Show)
data D = D deriving (Data, Show)
data E = E deriving (Data, Show)
data F = F deriving (Data, Show)
data G = G deriving (Data, Show)
data A1 = A1 A B C deriving (Data, Show)
data A2 = A2 A deriving (Data, Show)
data A3 = A3 B C D deriving (Data, Show)
data A4 = A4 D E F deriving (Data, Show)
data A5 = A5 A1 A4 G deriving (Data, Show)
data A6 = A6 A3 A4 deriving (Data, Show)
foo :: Foo String Dat
foo = Map.fromList [ ("a1", D_A1 (A1 A B C))
, ("a3", D_A3 (A3 B C D))
, ("a4", D_A4 (A4 D E F))
, ("a5", D_A5 (A5 (A1 A B C) (A4 D E F) G))
, ("a6", D_A6 (A6 (A3 B C D) (A4 D E F)))
find :: forall a k. k -> a -> Writer [k] a
find k a = tell [k] >> pure a
main = do
print $ (lookupFoo "a1" foo :: Maybe A1)
print $ (lookupFoo "a1" foo :: Maybe B)
print $ (lookupFoo "a5" foo :: Maybe A1)
print $ (lookupFoo "a5" foo :: Maybe B)
print $ execWriter (itraverseFoo (find @D) foo)