
Task about pairs of points and segments

Can you help me with problem? Given N <= 10^5 pairs of points, suppose they are written in array A, A[i][0] <= A[i][1]. Also, given M <= 10^5 pairs of segments, i-th pair given in form L_1[i], R_1[i], L_2[i], R_2[i]. For each pair of segments I need to find number of pairs from array A, such that for each pair (A[z][0], A[z][1]) it should be L_1[i] <= A[z][0] <= R_1[i] <= L_2[i] <= A[z][1] <= R_2[i]. I think here we can use scan line algorithm, but I don't know how to fit in time and memory. My idea works in N * M * log(N).


  • If you map A[i] to a point (A[i][0], A[i][1]) on 2d-plane, then for each segment, basically you're just counting the number of points inside the rectangle whose left-bottom corner is (L_1[i], L_2[i]) and right-top corner is (R_1[i], R_2[i]). Counting the points on 2d-plane is a classic question which could be solved in O(n logn). Here are some possible implementations:

    Sorry for my poor English. Feel free to point out my typos and mistakes.