I am trying to make tooltipster display different content with the same class.
I am using the .content( ... )
method, hoping it would change the value of the tooltip. The value of the .content( ... )
does change, but said value is the same for each tooltip with that class.
I would like tooltipster to to loop each time an instance of the class is found and update its content.
What exactly do I mean:
I have a bunch json/arrays
and they are grouped. For example:
/* animal "json/array" */
var animals = {
"category": {
"furry" : "Are they furry: ",
"legs" : "How many legs do they have: ",
"mammal" ; "Is it a mammal: "
"animals": {
"dog" : {
"furry" : "Yes.",
"legs" : "Yes, 4.",
"mammal": "Yes."
"cat" : {
"furry" : "Extremely.",
"legs" : "Yes, 4.",
"mammal": "Yes."
/* continents "json/array" */
var continents = {
"category" : {
"size" : "Size: ",
"pop" : "Population: ",
"tz" : "Timezones: "
"continents" : {
"africa" : {
"size" : "...",
"pop" : "...",
"tz" : "..."
"asia" : {
"size" : "...",
"pop" : "...",
"tz" : "..."
I am trying to use tooltipster in such a way:
var animalsClass;
function getMarkedAnimals(){
animalsClass = document.getElementsByClassName("animals");
function TooltipsterStuff(){
functionReady: function(instance, helper) {
for(let i = 0; i < animal.animals.length; i++){
let fix;
let pre0 = animal.animals.category.furry;
let pre1 = animal.animals.category.legs;
let pre2 = animal.animals.category.mammal;
fix = animal.animals[i];
pre0 + fix.furry +
pre1 + fix.legs +
pre2 + fix.mammal
function TooltipTriggerFunction (){
Lets say this is my HTML
Some text about a <span class="animal">cat</span> and a <span class="animal">dog</span>.
The problem is, that both cat and dog have the same tooltip. The last tooltip is always used.
I have tried moving instance.content(...)
around, but it didn't help. I have tried to reset the value of var fix
before it went into another iteration, but it didn't help.
If anyone has any idea how to fix this, I would be most grateful.
If I can provide any additional information or clarification, please let me know.
Thank you
Your problem is that on each step of loop, you are checking the animalsClass[i].textContent
but you have to check those that mouse hover on it. I mean helper.origin.textContent
So you need to do like this:
function TooltipsterStuff() {
contentAsHTML: true,
functionReady: function (instance, helper) {
for (let i = 0; i < animalsClass.length; i++) {
let pre0 = animal.category.furry;
let pre1 = animal.category.legs;
let pre2 = animal.category.mammal;
let fix;
let enter = "</br>";
if (animal.animals.hasOwnProperty(helper.origin.textContent)) {
fix = animal.animals[helper.origin.textContent];
pre0 + fix.furry + enter +
pre1 + fix.legs + enter +
pre2 + fix.mammal
Here is working sample.