In my flutter project I need to show some illustration images when socket exception occurs when API was called. How can I do that ?
Thanks in advance
This will help on socket exception and format exception.
Create model class for httpresponse
class HTTPResponse<T> {
bool isSuccessful;
T data;
String message;
int responseCode;
HTTPResponse(this.isSuccessful,, {this.message, this.responseCode});
Then use this model in api response like this
Future<HTTPResponse<List<Post>>> getPosts(
{int limit = 20, int page = 1}) async {
String url =
Uri uri = Uri.parse(url);
try {
var response = await http.get(uri);
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
var body = json.decode(response.body);
List<Post> postsList = [];
body.forEach((e) {
Post post = Post.fromJson(e);
return HTTPResponse(
responseCode: response.statusCode,
} else {
return HTTPResponse(false, null,
message: 'Invalid response from server',
responseCode: response.statusCode);
} on SocketException {
return HTTPResponse(false, [], message: 'Unable to reach the internet');
} on FormatException {
return HTTPResponse(false, [], message: 'Invalid response from server');
} catch (e) {
return HTTPResponse(false, [],
message: "Something went wrong please try in a minute or two");