
git: fatal exceeded maximum include depth

I came across MinGit when I wanted to avoid the extra stuff that Git for Windows included in the insallation (Git BASH, Git GUI, etc..). It's supposed to be a minimal installation of Git with only the CLI tool.

Unfortunately, after installing it and adding the cmd folder that housed git.exe to PATH, things didn't work as expected.

On Command Prompt, any command using git would be followed by this error message.git error

I've looked around online and I can't find any explanation or fix for this. It looks to be related to the gitconfig file, but I don't know what to do with it to fix this message.

Edit: Here is what is in the gitconfig fileenter image description here


  • Just to make clear - The right answer was posted as a comment by @jan-wilamowski


    The solution is to remove the last line which will result in "breaking" the endless recursion which caused the original problem.