I'm using ws-client in a Grails Project to call an web service.
It's ok, but it's reading endpoint from WSDL.
How to change endpoint in runtime?
def proxy = new WSClient(wsdlURL, Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());
proxy.setEndpoint(''); // this doesn't exists, ERROR!
Note: Need I use BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY
to solve this?
you can change the endpoint address by performing following code:
// getter method for the wrapped client class
WSClient.metaClass.getCxfClient = { ->
// init ws client
proxy = new WSClient(wsdlURL, this.class.classLoader)
// get client instance
def cxfClient = proxy.cxfClient
// create new endpoint url
URL newUrl = new URL("http://edu-02:8080/educenter/services/sync")
// assign new created url to the client