
First Fit Bin Packing Algorithm

I'm trying to create a First Fit Algorithm. The approach I'm taking is creating a list of empty lists, which are representative of the bins, where they will then be filled by certain area values that add up to the bin area. I want that to be continued until most of the areas can be filled.

This is where my problem arises:

for i in lists:
    for box in boxes:
        l = box[0]
        w = box[1]
        area = l * w
        if area <= bin_area:
            bin_area = bin_area - area
            bin_area = 15
            if area <= bin_area:
                bin_area = bin_area - area
                # Here I want to then create a new empty list 
                # where I can add more values that add up to the bin value. 

So at the end of the above code I want to create a new empty list where I can add more values that add up to the bin value.

I tried, by guessing, lists[ i ].append([area]), but the index has to be integer.

How do I accomplish this?

Also, here is my full code:

def FirstFitAlg():
    box1 = (3,2)
    box2 = (1,4)
    box3 = (2,1)
    box4 = (4,3)
    box5 = (1,2)
    boxes = [box1,box2,box3,box4,box5]
    num_of_boxes = len(boxes)
    bin_area = 15
    n_bin = 0
    lists = []
    #for i in lists:
    for box in boxes:
        l = box[0]
        w = box[1]
        area = l * w
        if area <= bin_area:
            bin_area = bin_area - area
            bin_area = 15
            if area <= bin_area:
                bin_area = bin_area - area
                # Here I want to then create a new empty list 
                # where I can add more values that add up to the bin value. 

    for i in lists:
        if len(i) >= 1:
            n_bin += 1

    efficiency = (n_bin/num_of_boxes) * 100


  • Keep the printing out of your function, and pass it the box information as argument. That way it is more generic.

    Here is how it could work:

    def firstFitAlg(boxes, bin_area):
        bins = []
        current_bin_area = 0
        total_occupied = 0
        for box in boxes:
            l, w = box
            area = l * w
            total_occupied += area
            if area > current_bin_area:  # Overflow. Need new bin
                current_bin = []  # Create new bin
                current_bin_area = bin_area  # All space is available in it
                bins.append(current_bin)  # This bin is part of the solution
            current_bin.append(box)  # Add box in this bin
            current_bin_area -= area  # and reduce the available space in it
        return bins, total_occupied
    boxes = [(3,2),(1,4),(2,1),(4,3),(1,2)]
    bin_area = 15
    bins, total_occupied = firstFitAlg(boxes, bin_area)
    print(f"Bumber of bins: {len(bins)}")
    efficiency = (total_occupied/(bin_area * len(bins))) * 100
    print(f"Efficiency: {efficiency}")