
Date Comparion in DMN - Decision Table

Using jbpm version 7

DataModel :: Profile has two fields ( onboarding of type date , currentDate of type date)

When I am writing Decision Table : it keeps throwing Error Skipped Decision Table Analysis of table 'onBoardingDateDecision' because: Gaps/Overlaps analysis cannot be performed for InputEntry with unary test

Why I am not able to perform Date Comparios in Decision Table ?

If I give simple expression like > date("2005-01-01") it works !

enter image description here


  • The message "Skipped Decision Table Analysis ... Gaps/Overlaps ..." refers to static analysis.

    It does NOT affect any runtime behaviour and the Drools DMN Engine can evaluate your model as you would normally expect.

    Gap/Overlap static analysis cannot be performed with the variable expressions in your table, hence it is skipped, and the message reports this accordingly.