I am trying to scrape the data from PDF and get it saved into an excel file. This is the pdf I needed: https://www.medicaljournals.se/acta/content_files/files/pdf/98/219/Suppl219.pdf
However, I need to scrape not all the data but the following one (below), and then saved it to excel in different cells: From page 5, starting from P001 to and including Introduction - there is a P number, title, people names, and Introduction.
For now, I can only convert a PDF file into text (my code below) and save it all in one cell, but I need it to be separated into a different cells
import PyPDF2 as p2
PDFfile = open('Abstract Book from the 5th World Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis
Conference 2018.pdf', 'rb')
pdfread = p2.PdfFileReader(PDFfile)
pdflist = []
i = 6
while i<pdfread.getNumPages():
pageinfo = pdfread.getPage(i)
i = i + 1
pdflist.append(pageinfo.extractText().replace('\n', ''))
The main you need is 'header' regex as 15 UPPERcase letters and 'article' regex letter 'P' and 3 digits. One more regex helps you to divide your text by any of keywords
article_re = re.compile(r'[P]\d{3}') #P001: letter 'P' and 3 digits
header_re = re.compile(r'[A-Z\s\-]{15,}|$') #min 15 UPPERCASE letters, including '\n' '-' and
key_word_delimeters = ['Peoples', 'Introduction','Objectives','Methods','Results','Conclusions','References']
file = open('data.pdf', 'rb')
pdf = pdf.PdfFileReader(file)
text = ''
for i in range(6, 63):
text += pdf.getPage(i).extractText() # all text in one variable
articles = []
for article in re.split(article_re, text):
header = re.match(header_re, article) # recieving a match
other_text = re.split(header_re, article)[1] # recieving other text
if header:
header = header.group() # get text from match
item = {'header': header}
first_name_letter = header[-1] # save the first letter of name to put it in right position. Some kind of HOT BUGFIX
header = header[:-1] # cut last character: the first letter of name
header = header.replace('\n', '') #delete linebreakers
header = header.replace('-', '') #delete line break symbol
other_text = first_name_letter + other_text
data_array = re.split(
for key, data in zip(key_word_delimeters, data_array):
item[key] = data.replace('\n', '')