
FancyTree - How put in data-content generate php directory

I start the programming and FancyTree. And I suck at English ^^. I'm stuck and a little help wouldn't be a bad thing, thanks.

I managed to generate a PHP tree structure of my files and folders for FancyTree. So far so good. My problem is that I can't find this structure in FancyTree. When I build my PHP, I would have to put in "DATA-CONTENT" all the parent folders where the folder or file in question is located.

see my tree : my tree

maybe for more understanding : Tree example :

desired result to insert in data-content in each element :

On Github, i started my project :

Here is my PHP code :

$struct = listFolders();
echo json_encode($struct);

function listFolders($dir = __DIR__ . '/_donnees') {
    $dh = scandir($dir);
    $return = [];

    foreach ($dh as $folder) {
        if ($folder != '.' && $folder != '..') {
            if (is_dir($dir . '/' . $folder)) { // es-ce que c'est un répertoire ?
                $return[] = array(
                    'title' => $folder,
                    'folder' => true,
                    'expanded'=> true,
                    'data-content' => 'Here_Full_Path',
                    'children' => listFolders($dir . '/' . $folder, $key)
            } else { // donc c'est un fichier
                $return[] = [
                    'title' => $folder,
                    'data-content' => 'Here_Full_Path',
                    // 'title' => '<a href="' . $Here_Full_Path. $folder . 'target="_self" ">' . $folder . '</a>',
    return $return;

Here is the result which works but incomplete:


I seek this result, stack all folder parent in data-content in PHP code i think. :


I've tried that, that's almost it. But it's too hard for me unfortunately ...

function ListFolder($Folder, $SkipFileExts, $SkipObjects) // Fonction pour lister les dossier
    $dir = opendir($Folder);
    while (false !== ($Current = readdir($dir))) // Boucle sur tout ce qu'il y a dans le répertoire
        if ($Current !='.' && $Current != '..' && in_array($Current, $SkipObjects)===false)
            if(is_dir($Folder.'/'.$Current)) // Si c'est un dossier
                echo '<strong style="color: #ff0000;">'.$Current.'</strong><br>'; 

                $path_all = $Current;
                echo dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . '/' . $path_all . '/';

                ListFolder($Folder.'/'.$Current, $SkipFileExts, $SkipObjects); // On liste les dossiers contenue dans le dossier (récursivité)
                $FileExt = strtolower(substr(strrchr($Current ,'.'),1));
                if (in_array($FileExt, $SkipFileExts)===false) // On regarde si on dois afficher cette extension
                    echo $Current.'<br>';

$Folder = '_donnees';
$SkipExts = array('tot', 'php', 'db');
$SkipObjects = array('UnDossier', 'UnFichier');
ListFolder($Folder, $SkipExts, $SkipObjects);

Gives this result :


thank you very much for all the help you can give me

after a lot of trying, I found the solution on my own :)

we can certainly do better.

$struct = listFolders();
echo json_encode($struct);

function listFolders($dir = __DIR__ . '/datausers') {
    $dh = scandir($dir);
    $return = [];

    foreach ($dh as $folder) {
        if ($folder != '.' && $folder != '..') {
            $url_site = "http://your_url";
            $Folder_data = "/datausers";
            if (is_dir($dir . '/' . $folder)) { // it's a folder
                $full_path_absolu = glob($dir . '/*');
                $full_path_relatif = str_replace ( __DIR__ . $Folder_data, "" , $full_path_absolu);
                $index_path = 0; 
                foreach ($full_path_relatif as $full_path_folder) {
                    // echo "[$index_path] => $full_path_folder </br>";

                $return[] = array(
                    'title' => $folder,
                    'data-content' => $full_path_folder,
                    'folder' => true,
                    'expanded'=> true,
                    'children' => listFolders($dir . '/' . $folder, $key)
            } else { // it's a file

                $full_path_absolu = glob($dir . '/*');
                $full_path_relatif = str_replace ( __DIR__ . $Folder_data, "" , $full_path_absolu);
                $index_path = 0; 
                foreach ($full_path_relatif as $full_path_folder) {
                    // echo "[$index_path] => $full_path_folder </br>";

                $return[] = [
                    'title' => $folder,
                    'data-content' => $full_path_folder,
                    'title' => $folder,
                    // 'title' => '<a href="' . $url_site . $Folder_data . $full_path_folder . '">' . $folder . '</a>',
    return $return;


  • my problem is solved

    I am not building the path to creation in php. I am using fancytree to rebuild this path with this function

    click: function (e, data) { 
      var node = data.node; 
      var path = node.getPath(); 