
How to change the Swiper height or slide width in React JS without using fixed CSS

I have a card game where the player selects a card from one deck to add to a second. Pushing the button on the active card will move it to the other deck and then make it active. The active deck should be larger when in focus, while the inactive is minimized like so:

Example showing larger selected slider above smaller inactive slider

I have implemented it using the Swiper Coverflow effect in both SwiperJS and React-Swiper, but in either case the height is tied to the .swiper-slide CSS class. The width on this class is set to a fixed size which drives how the rest of the Swiper is rendered. It seems that the only way to change the slide width (and resulting Swiper height) is to apply fixed width classes to the slide based on state.


                ? "swiper-fixed-width-300 "
                : "swiper-fixed-width-100 "


.swiper-fixed-width-100 {
  width: 100px;

.swiper-fixed-width-300 {
  width: 300px;

However this approach has no easing or transition like other interactions so it feels too abrupt. I would like to find a way to do the same using the Swiper API functions. How can this same interaction be achieved with the API or without manipulating the CSS class?

Example Sandbox


  • I would use transform: scale(0.3) on the parent (Deck) and keep the width of the slider at 300px.

    JSX (Deck.js):

            ? "Deck Deck-selected" 
            : "Deck Deck-unselected"

    <SwiperSlide key={index} className="swiper-fixed-width-300">


    .Deck {
      transition: transform 0.3s ease;
    .Deck-selected {
      transform: scale(1);
    .Deck-unselected {
      transform: scale(0.3);
    .swiper-fixed-width-300 {
      width: 300px;

    Here is my sandbox with the effect transitioning.