
Running Apple DocC as a Apple Help Book file

With the introduction of DocC for generating documentation from source code, is it possible to take the output of DocC and use it as the source of truth for an Apple Help Book (for use inside of a macOS App)?


  • Is it possible to take the output of DocC and use it as the source of truth for an Apple Help Book?

    @matt mentioned:

    A DocC is a highly restricted, formalized representation of a very specific type of information.

    However I disagree with it. You can create article pages with DocC: Getting Started with Sloths

    The problems with using DocC to create Apple Help Book:

    @matt mentioned:

    A help book helps users, whereas DocC displays a programming API to a programmer.

    You can definitely meld the two and use DocC generated files as your source of truth, but I would rather do it with other html editors, or a better markdown editor if you prefer the markdown syntax.