
How to fix a circuit breaker timed out exception on spawning a persistent actor in akka scala?

has anyone faced a circuit breaker timeout on akka for persistent systems. I believe this happens when akka fails to reload saved snapshots of events. I tried bypassing this reload by tweaking the conf and adding snapshot-store-plugin-fallback.snapshot-is-optional = true to it. However that doesn’t do the trick either.

I am using a jdbc-journal with jdbc-snapshot-store as snapshot-store.plugin

Any help on this is appreciated!

Supervisor StopSupervisor saw failure: Exception during recovery. Last known sequence number [0]. PersistenceId [UCPersistenceId], due to: Exception during recovery. Last known sequence number [0]. PersistenceId [UCPersistenceId], due to: Circuit Breaker Timed out.","context":"default","exception":"akka.persistence.typed.internal.JournalFailureException: Exception during recovery. Last known sequence number [0]. PersistenceId [UCPersistenceId], due to: Exception during recovery. Last known sequence number [0]. PersistenceId [UCPersistenceId], due to: Circuit Breaker Timed out.

I also get this warning after the exception block.

{"logger":"org.mariadb.jdbc.HostAddress","message":"Aurora recommended connection URL must only use cluster end-point like \"jdbc:mariadb:aurora://\". Using end-point permit auto-discovery of new replicas","context":"default"}


  • Circuit Breaker timed out is not the actual exception. It's rather a symptom of another exception, the source exception. I would suggest looking the database server logs for the actual exception that happened.