I am trying to import this CSV file:
""field1"": ""123"",
""field2"": ""456""
""field1"": ""789"",
""field2"": ""101""
into my Postgres table.
However, it seems that the \copy my_table(my_text) from 'my_file.csv'
command is creating a row for each line of the file.
This is what I get :
""field1"": ""123"",
""field2"": ""456""
""field1"": ""789"",
""field2"": ""101""
(9 rows)
and what I expect:
{""field1"": ""123"", ""field2"": ""456""}
{""field1"": ""789"", ""field2"": ""101""}
(2 rows)
Escaping the new line might do the trick:
\copy my_table(my_text) from my_file.csv csv header escape E'\n' quote '"'