
Why is my console giving me a bunch of error messages on Sublime?

After downloading Terminus (I don't know whether this has anything to do with the problem) in Sublime Text 3 I notice that when I pressed "ctrl+`" it opened the console and displayed a ton of error messages. What's going on here and how can I fix it? Thanks in advance!

Here's the error:

Make sure your interpreter is a valid binary and is in your PATH or use an absolute path to it, for example: C:\\Python27\\python.exe
 ...last message repeated one more time in the last 10s
ERROR:root:Your operating system denied the spawn of /usr/local/bin/python3 process. Make sure your configured interpreter is a valid python binary executable and is in the PATH
The OS did return [WinError 2] The system cannot find the file specified
anacondaST3: ERROR - <Anaconda.anaconda_lib.workers.local_process.LocalProcess object at 0x0000017199588518> process can not start a new anaconda JsonServer in the operating system because:
Anaconda can not spawn a new process with your current configured python interpreter (/usr/local/bin/python3)
Make sure your interpreter is a valid binary and is in your PATH or use an absolute path to it, for example: C:\\Python27\\python.exe
anacondaST3: ERROR - <Anaconda.anaconda_lib.workers.local_process.LocalProcess object at 0x00000171991DFDA0> process can not start a new anaconda JsonServer in the operating system because:
Anaconda can not spawn a new process with your current configured python interpreter (/usr/local/bin/python3)


  • This error is related to the Anaconda plugin, not Terminus. You need to set the path to your default Python interpreter. If you don't know it already, hit WinR then type in cmd and hit Enter. In the window that opens up, type in

    where python

    and one or more lines will print out, assuming that you already have Python installed and in your PATH. Make note of the first line.

    Next, go back to Sublime and go to Preferences → Package Settings → Anaconda → Settings—User. If the file is not empty, add the line

    "python_interpreter": "c:/path/to/python.exe",

    replacing path/to/ with the actual path. You can either use single forward slashes / as path delimiters, or you can use double backslashes \\. Just don't use single backslashes, as that may cause problems.

    If the user preferences file doesn't have anything in it, set its contents to the following:

        "python_interpreter": "c:/path/to/python.exe",

    Save the file, and hopefully the error messages should go away. If you want to configure anything else about Anaconda while you're there, open up Preferences → Package Settings → Anaconda → Settings—Default and copy over any keys you want to customize. Just make sure each line ends with a comma ,. The last line doesn't have to, but it won't hurt anything if it does.