I'm trying to convert boost::filesystem type to string, but it tell me that "string()" is not a member of the boost::filesystem :
void myClass::encryptFile()
// Récursion sur un chemin donné
for (boost::filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator end, dir(DirPath); dir != end; ++dir)
// Vérification du type de l'objet
if (!boost::filesystem::is_regular_file(*dir))
string ptext = *dir.string();
How to convert *dir to string ?
Get the boost::filesystem::path
void myClass::encryptFile()
// Récursion sur un chemin donné
for (boost::filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator end, dir(DirPath); dir != end; ++dir)
// Vérification du type de l'objet
if (!boost::filesystem::is_regular_file(*dir))
string ptext = dir->path().string();