Hello I am trying to check if someone has an object in his inventory witch quick.db But when I try, whatever the artist is it always says that it's the inventory of the user. Here's the code that I use.
const db = require('quick.db');
let discord = require('discord.js');
module.exports = {
name : 'test',
description : "commande test",
async execute(message, args) {
const artist = message.content.slice(7).trim();
message.channel.send("Spécifier l'artiste")
if(db.has(message.author.id, artist)){
message.channel.send("Artiste Present")
message.channel.send("Non présent")
I use this to add information to the database
if (reaction.count == 2){
db.push(user.id, name_artist);
The problem is that you are only checking if the database has a specific user id as a key. According to the quick.db docs.
To check if an artist is stored in an array I would try this.
if (db.get(message.author.id).includes(artist)) {
message.channel.send("Artiste Present")
else {
message.channel.send("Non présent")