I am trying to filter objects from variables. here is my data;
InstanceType ProductDescription SpotPrice ymd_hms(Timestamp)
<chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr>
1 a1.2xlarge Linux/UNIX 0.0671 06:17:23
2 a1.2xlarge Red Hat Enterprise Linux 0.1971 06:17:23
3 a1.2xlarge SUSE Linux 0.2171 06:17:23
4 a1.4xlarge Linux/UNIX 0.1343 12:15:54
5 a1.4xlarge Red Hat Enterprise Linux 0.2643 12:15:54
6 a1.4xlarge SUSE Linux 0.2843 12:15:54
dimension of data is
[1] 10078 4
data set structure
'data.frame': 10078 obs. of 4 variables:
$ InstanceType : chr " a1.2xlarge" " a1.2xlarge" " a1.2xlarge" " a1.4xlarge" ...
$ ProductDescription: chr " Linux/UNIX" " Red Hat Enterprise Linux" " SUSE Linux" " Linux/UNIX" ...
$ SpotPrice : num 0.0671 0.1971 0.2171 0.1343 0.2643 ...
$ ymd_hms(Timestamp): chr "06:17:23" "06:17:23" "06:17:23" "12:15:54" ...
when i try to filter
filter(DfUse, InstanceType == 'a1.2xlarge')
0 rows
Kindly help in filtering the data set. I want to stack all filtered values group by other variables.
From the dataset structure it seems you have some whitespace in your data. You can use trimws
to remove it.
dplyr::filter(DfUse, trimws(InstanceType) == 'a1.2xlarge')
With base R subset
subset(DfUse, trimws(InstanceType) == 'a1.2xlarge')