
Pandas dataframe rolling sum column with groupby

I'm trying to create a new column that gives a rolling sum of values in the Values column. The rolling sum includes 4 rows i.e. the current row and the next three rows. I want to do this for each type in the 'Type' column.

However, if there are fewer than 4 rows before the next type starts, I want the rolling sum to use only the remaining rows. For example, if there are 2 rows after the current row for the current type, a total of 3 rows is used for the rolling sum. See the table below showing what I'm currently getting and what I expect.

Index Type Value Current Rolling Sum Expected Rolling Sum
1 left 5 22 22
2 left 9 34 34
3 left 0 NaN 25
4 left 8 NaN 25
5 left 17 NaN 17
6 straight 7 61 61
7 straight 4 77 77
8 straight 0 86 86
9 straight 50 97 97
10 straight 23 NaN 47
11 straight 13 NaN 24
12 straight 11 NaN 11

The following line of code is what I'm currently using to get the rolling sum.

rolling_sum = df.groupby('Type', sort=False)['Value'].rolling(4, min_periods = 3).sum().shift(-3).reset_index()
rolling_sum = rolling_sum.rename(columns={'Value': 'Rolling Sum'})

extracted_col = rolling_sum['Rolling Sum']
df = df.join(extracted_col)

I would really appreciate your help.


  • You can try running the rolling sum on the reversed values for each group and then reverse back afterward, using a min_periods of 1:

    df['Rolling Sum'] = df.groupby('Type', sort=False)['Value'].apply(lambda x: x[::-1].rolling(4, min_periods=1).sum()[::-1])


       Index        Type    Value   Rolling Sum
    0      1        left        5          22.0
    1      2        left        9          34.0
    2      3        left        0          25.0
    3      4        left        8          25.0
    4      5        left       17          17.0
    5      6    straight        7          61.0
    6      7    straight        4          77.0
    7      8    straight        0          86.0
    8      9    straight       50          97.0
    9     10    straight       23          47.0
    10    11    straight       13          24.0
    11    12    straight       11          11.0