
How to simulate mouse wheel events using QTestLib [Qt5]

I am happily using QTestLib to write tests for my Qt5 widgets based UI. There has seemed to be no shortage of features and convenience functionality until now, when I tried to find a way to simulate mouse wheel events.

I have looked at the official documentation, and an official example but I can't seem to figure out how to go about simulating mouse wheel events.

Does this not exist? Or am I missing something? How should I create dummy mouse wheel events using QTestLib?


  • For anyone stumbling into this problem 10 years from now on. We wrote an implementation for our testing suite for Qt4.8 (also tested in Qt5.6, as always no guarantees):

    void TestUtility::mouseWheelTurn(
        QWidget *widget, // The most top level widget; a MainWindow in our case
        int delta,       // As in QWheelEvent
        QPoint pos,      // Mouseposition in the moment of scrolling relative to top level widget
        Qt::MouseButtons buttons, // As in QWheelEvent
        Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, // As in QWheelEvent
        Qt::Orientation orientation, // As in QWheelEvent
        int delay)       // As in other QTest functions
        QWidget *toWheelChild = widget->childAt(pos);
        if(toWheelChild == NULL) return;
        pos = widget->mapToGlobal(pos);
        pos = toWheelChild->mapFromGlobal(pos);
        QTest::mouseMove(toWheelChild, pos);
        QWheelEvent *wheelEvent = 
            new QWheelEvent(pos, delta, buttons, modifiers, orientation);
        QApplication::instance()->postEvent(toWheelChild, wheelEvent);