
How to convert string to const char[] in c++

I am working on a C++ project for a Vex Robot, I am using a function that takes a const char[] but for showing an integer, there is no such function that converts to const char[], so is there a way to do that. All the search results showed how to convert to const char* and by the way "string" is of type const char[].

EDIT: I also need to covert the string to concatenate tow strings (but ended up just coverting both strings to std::string and then back to const char[])


  • With std::string there is the function c_str() (with the synonym data() since C++11) to get a pointer to the underlying null-terminated character array:

    std::string const myString{"stackoverflow"};
    const char* cstr = myString.c_str();
    const char* data =;