I am writing a tool for the API of the Woocommerce plugin, which is one of the WordPress plugins. This tool uses the OAuth 1.0 system for authentication. When I set my request and send it via Postman, I can get my answer without any problem. My problem starts in the test application I wrote myself. When I create a signature with the same values found in Postman, I find a different value from the Postman tool.
There are a number of base strings specified in the document. I encrypt this value with the specified key and create a signature. This signature is the same as the signature on the document. So, I can understand from here that my test tool is running smoothly. (https://oauth.net/core/1.0a/#RFC2045 - Appendix A.5.2. Calculating Signature Value )
When I add the values I get from Postman with the same tool to my test tool, I find different results. What came to my mind here was that the Postman tool added another parameter.
My Postman values are:
I can operate with these values without any problems. I add the same values to the test application and get output;
Postman: tcBdkwXJL9Ad5RZFTQ36Vh34mYM=
My Test App: UJ2it9opCslL0Jjy7/T/C7Dw8rc=
I am developing the related test application with delphi. If you need the codes, I have shared them below.
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
p1, p2, full: string;
p1 := cmbReqType.Text;
p2 := TNetEncoding.URL.Encode(edit1.Text);
p3 := 'oauth_consumer_key=' + oauth_consumer_key.Text
+ '&oauth_signature_method='+oauth_signature_method.Text
+ '&oauth_timestamp='+oauth_timestamp.Text +
'&oauth_nonce=' + oauth_nonce.Text +
'&oauth_version='+ oauth_version.Text;
xp3 := p3;
p3 := TNetEncoding.URL.Encode(p3);
full := p1 + '&' + p2 + '&' + p3;
Memo1.Lines.Text := System.UTF8Encode(Trim(full));
HMAC_SHA1 := THashSHA1.Create;
Edit2.text := TNetEncoding.Base64.EncodeBytesToString(HMAC_SHA1.GetHMACAsBytes(TEncoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Trim(memo1.text)), TEncoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Trim(secret_key.Text))));
if Trim(Edit2.Text) = 'tcBdkwXJL9Ad5RZFTQ36Vh34mYM=' then
end else
ShowMessage('not correct.');
P.S: Forget the ugliness in the code. I coded it trivially :)
P.S: I leave similar topics below. Most do not respond to an answer.
1- How do I view the raw signature Postman uses when it makes its OAuth requests?
2- How does Postman Rest Client create Oauth Signature ? Unable to resolve Oauth_Signature in android
Thanks in advance for your help on this.
When building the Signature Base String, OAuth1 requires that parameters be sorted by name. In your case, it means that oauth_nonce
must come just after oauth_consumer_key
Additionally, when computing the HMAC, the key must include both the Consumer Secret and the Token Secret, separated by an &
, even if the token is empty. Since you have no token, you must append an &
to your secret.