
SharePoint Designer 2013 - few actions are missing for workflow

I want to query the list to get some information of particular ID but some actions are missing in SharePoint Designer 2013. I want following actions in SharePoint Designer.

enter image description here

But what it actually looks here in my screen :

enter image description here

I could not see Dictionary and HTTP actions in designer. I am new to this. Let me know if you have any suggestion to display these actions here. Thank you in advance.


  • The workflow you created is a SharePoint 2010 workflow without OOB actions like call HTTP web service and etc. What you need is a SharePoint 2013 workflow. You have to set Platform Type to SharePoint 2013 Workflow when creating a new workflow. enter image description here

    If there is no SharePoint 2013 Workflow option under the dropdown menu, you have to configure workflow manager to get it. Reference: Install and configure workflow for SharePoint Server.