
Retrieve Highlighted (Selected) options in Listbox (Telerik UI for MVC)

I'm trying to find it if there is a way to get the "highlighted" options in the "optional" listbox in Telerik UI for Asp.Net MVC. I know that clicking on items in the option listbox triggers the "onChange" event for the listbox, but I can't figure out how to get the actual value of the highlighted items.

enter image description here

In the sample above, I wish to return Thomas Hardy and Christina Berglund, or at least their option ID's.

Here is my listbox definition:

                        .Toolbar(toolbar =>
                            toolbar.Tools(tools => tools
                        .Events(events => events
                        .DataSource(source => source
                            .Read(read => read.Action("GetEmployees", "Setup", new { area = "Admin" }))


Here is my onChange function:

    function onChange(e) {
    var item = e.sender.element;


  • Okay, I figured it out. I changed my "onChange" function to this:

       function onChange(e) {
        var item = e.sender.dataItem(;