I am in need of situation where i need to list out the available droplet snapshot of specific droplet. I am using doctl to list the snapshots. I need a way that the doctl command needs to list out the available snapshots along with date of creation. Alternate solutions is also appreciated. I am not sure is this possible. It would be great help if some one render their hands to make it clear.
Thanks, Muneesh
Your question is unclear.
Do you wish to filter the list of snapshots by a given Droplet (ID)?
If so, I suspect you'll want to consider using doctl --output=json
to get the doctl
command's output as JSON and then use a tool like jq
to filter the result.
I created a Droplet and a snapshot and this works:
# jq filter
# For all my Droplets
DROPLETS=$(doctl compute droplet list --format=ID --no-header)
doctl compute snapshot list \
--resource=droplet \
--output=json \
| jq "${FILTER}"
And, if you want to limit the output to just name
and created_at