
Listing Digital ocean droplet snapshots along with date of creation

I am in need of situation where i need to list out the available droplet snapshot of specific droplet. I am using doctl to list the snapshots. I need a way that the doctl command needs to list out the available snapshots along with date of creation. Alternate solutions is also appreciated. I am not sure is this possible. It would be great help if some one render their hands to make it clear.

Thanks, Muneesh


  • Your question is unclear.

    Do you wish to filter the list of snapshots by a given Droplet (ID)?

    If so, I suspect you'll want to consider using doctl --output=json to get the doctl command's output as JSON and then use a tool like jq to filter the result.

    I created a Droplet and a snapshot and this works:

    # jq filter
    # For all my Droplets
    DROPLETS=$(doctl compute droplet list --format=ID --no-header)
    for DROPLET in ${DROPLETS}
      doctl compute snapshot list \
      --resource=droplet \
      --output=json \
      | jq "${FILTER}"

    And, if you want to limit the output to just name and created_at:
